The project “Momies Animales et Humaines EgyptienneS” (MAHES, St. PORCIER coord., supported by LabEx Archimede ANR-11-LABX-0032-01), is proud to announce the first International Symposium on Animals in Ancient Egypt (ISAAE). This symposium, the first ever to be devoted to ancient Egyptian animals, will provide a rare opportunity for scholars from diverse disciples (hard sciences, social sciences, and humanities) who are working on ancient Egyptian animals to meet and exchange ideas. MAHES is devoted to documenting and understanding animal cults in ancient Egypt through analyses of funerary and ritual practices, using a multi-disciplinary and holistic approach. This will encourage the development of a fresh, integrated perspective, for the analysis and interpretation of the cults organised around sacred animals in ancient Egyptian society.
The first ISAAE will be held at the Museum of the Confluences (Musée des Confluences) at Lyon (France) from 1-3 June, 2016. It will be repeated every four years, each symposium focussing on a different theme concerning the roles of animals in ancient Egyptian society, aiming to create an interdisciplinary synergy among researchers, engendering new approaches and projects. This thematic approach will draw together and encourage communication and exchanges between historians of art, thought, science, religion, as well as scholars specialising in archaeology, ceramology, archaeozoology, Egyptology, economics, and the world of museums.
We hope to welcome a wide gathering of diverse scholars in 2016 for a rich and profitable exchange. In addition to 20-minute contributions, we will be accepting a limited number of poster contributions (10 minute) as well. Please send your abstracts, by 10 January 2016.
Looking forward to seeing you in June !