Useful informations > Your participation

Details of the syposium

Types of Presentations : Two options : 1) a talk of 20 minutes (+5 minutes for questions) ; 2) a Poster. The Posters must be printed by the authors and will be presented during the coffee breaks.

For either case, a clearly written abstract of a maximum of 1500 characters should be sent, by 10 January 2016, to

The scientific committee will send letters of acceptance from 15 February 2016. Abstracts will be posted on the official website at the beginning of April 2016.


General information


All speakers are required to limit their presentation to 20 minutes (+5 minutes for questions). The Posters will be presented by the authors during the coffee breaks.


The official Symposium languages are French and English. No objects of dubious provenance should be included in any of the presentations.

Registration and payment

All attendees (and presenters) should register for the symposium at the site : In case of paper or poster with two or more authors, all the participants must be registered on ISAAE Website.

- Costs of Registration for speakers : free (only one author per communication or poster)

This includes entrance(s) to the Musée des Confluences, ‪welcome cocktail reception on 1 June, the lunch 1-3 June, access to the Symposium.

For papers and posters with multiple authors, the registration and lunch costs are only paid by the symposium organisers for one author. The others are responsible for the payment of their fees and lunches.

- Cost of Registration for attendees (until 9th May 2016) : €60 TTC/ €18 TTC for students

This includes entrance(s) to the Musée des Confluences, ‪welcome cocktail reception on 1 June, access to the Symposium. If you are a student, please send a copy of your student card to

- Late registration

Costs of Registration for attendees (10th - 20th May 2016) : 90 euros TTC/ Studiant : 36 euros TTC.

Déjeuner (bateau Bellona) :

Les personnes qui souhaitent se joindre aux communicants pour les poses déjeuner des 01, 02 et 03 juin sont priées de joindre le montant du repas (21 euros/jour) à leurs frais d’inscription. Aucune demande de dernière minute ne pourra être prise en compte.

Payment Methods:

Registration will only be valid when full payment is received by the Secretariat. All amounts are payable in Euro (€). The Registration fee may be paid through a bank transfer. Participants must pay all bank charges and on-line payment commissions. Transfers can only be accepted  until May 20th 2016.

- For the transfers, please specify the name of the conference: ISAAE 2016, in the space where it says purpose of transfer. Also, please be sure to send an email to with the reference of the transfer (name, amount, date of transfer). A screen shot can also be used. If you are a student, please send a copy of your student card to

Once you have registered and paid a confirmation email will be sent to you.

For those who live in areas where online payment or bank transfers are difficult, please contact us at

If you wish to cancel your registration, 70% of your fees will be reimbursed until 30 April 2016. After that, no reimbursements will be possible (from 1st May 2016).



We need your paper by November 15, 2016 to be evaluated by the ISAAE Editor Committee. ‪Guidelines to contributors will be avaible on from may 2016.



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