Contributions > Par auteur > Ashmawy Aiman

Donkey burials at Tell El-Yahudia
Aiman Ashmawy  1@  
1 : Ministry of antiquities

 One of the distinctive customs at eastern Delta during the second intermediate period (SIP) is the donkey burials found in front of the tombs or in separate pits. Those were discovered at Tell El-Dabaa , Inshas ,Tell El Maskhuta, Tell El Kuac, Tell Om Burdi, and Tell Basta

In spite of being one of the earliest SIP sites known in Egypt, which gives its name to a type of pottery distinctive of this period "Tell El-Yahudia juglets ". No donkey burials were reported from the site till very recent although the discovery of many SIP tombs, whither in the Hyksos camp or in the gezera northeast of the site at the edge of the desert.

The recent SCA excavations at the site uncovered four donkey burials in the cemetery at the gezera , two of them were in front of mud brick tombs , while the other two burials were found in separate pits in the gezera. Three of those burials are single burials and one represents a multi-burial.

The donkey burials at Tell El Yahudia are unique among the other SIP burials as they clearly reflect sacrificial ritual.

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