Contributions > Par auteur > Schlüter Katrin

The burial ground for Osiris-(NN)-Animals at Tuna el-Gebel
Katrin Schlüter  1@  
1 : Ludwigs-Maximilians-Universität München

After Sami Gabras extensive archeological activities in the animal necropolis of Tuna el-Gebel the Joint Mission of the Universities of Cairo and Munich began the work in 1979. A general plan of the main passages and side branches required for the survey of the architectural structures, animal deposits, pottery and other finds was established. The chronological framework proposed by Sami Gabra could be confirmed and refined. The research of the cult chapels installed for selected animal-individuals similar to the so-called „Hildesheimer Kapelle“ as well as the research on the surface concerning the settlement and the necropolis (see M. Flossmann-Schütze's contribution) still go on.

To shed light on the sacred space of the underground burial ground and its architectural history my PhD thesis focussed on a relatively contained area: Corridor C-B, from rooms C-B-1 to C-B-10, all dating to the Ptolemaic Period, with the chamber of Ptolemy II (C-B-2) playing a central role. Comparisons carried out in all accessible areas allowed conclusions regarding the set up of the animal deposits and the design of the cult spaces and cult chapels. Particularities as the use of painted wall textiles, the regular occurrence of astronomical ceilings as part of the layout of the cult chapels and the amount of preserved individual names for the Osiris-NN-Animals have to be pointed out.

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